Battery Designers

We enable the battery designer to test designs using models and eliminate duds early. Reduce the number of cells you test and get more information from every test performed. Once the tests are completed, integrated analytics streamline the process from data to actionable information.

  • HPPC: spend seconds not hours generating results

    DCIR: fully automated, analyze a test in seconds

    EIS Analysis: generate circuit models in seconds, never convert, export, or import test data

    Grouped cycle plots: compare groups of cells graphically

    Normalized plots based on meta-data: flexible, customizable, and easy

    Formation analysis: slice and aggregate formation data many ways instantly

    Battery storage: each storage test generates several data files; aggregate the data and produce presentation-ready graphs and tables in seconds

  • Data-driven: use your meta-data to uncover things you missed

    Electrochemical: use half cell data to predict full cell performance; optimize your design and eliminate duds before you build a cell

    DFT: model novel molecules to identify opportunities

The Technology


Automatic data import from cycle testers, potentiostats, data readers


Full featured graphing designed for batteries


Optimal Design of Experiments integrated with battery meta-data